Experience & Offerings

Clinical Art Therapy

Supporting clients on their healing journey.

‘I found I could say things with colour and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for.’

~ Georgia O’Keeffe

Clinical Experience

Since August 2022, I have been the resident Art Therapist at Detour House – a women’s rehab program for drug and alcohol addiction. Once a week I hold a group art therapy session for the participants to explore their feelings, emotions and inner worlds through a creative process. The sessions also help to establish connection and healthy relationships between participants, as they share their stories and learn how to hold each other in radical acceptance. We also work on strengthen boundaries, setting goals, creating intentions and establishing self-care routines and grounding practices.

I have also under taken 120 hours of work placement in age care at the RSL ANZAC Life Care Village and held group sessions with Community and Cultural Connection Inc.

If you are an organisation that is interested in adding art therapy to your client program, please get in touch – I look forward to talking with you soon!

‘Transpersonal which literally means “beyond the persona or personal” marries psychology and spirituality. 
In psychological terms, transpersonal means revealing the true self and inner authenticity. It is a path to self-awareness and self-realization, which unites ancient and modern wisdom and offers a range of tools and techniques to explore the many aspects of our existence’


College of Complimentary Medicine